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    2024 ESY Dates & Locations can be found here.

    Current News

    ***Parents may stop by the Special Education Office by Appointment Only.  Please contact Jeridyer@burbankusd.org for new enrollments or record requests and Sandrashearer@burbankusd.org for all other matters that require an in person visit.*** 

    The flyer for the 4/23/24 virtual SEDAC meeting can be found here English, Spanish, Armenian.
    There is no presentation to post for the virtual parents meeting on 3/5/24.
    The presentations for the virtual parent meeting on 12/5/23 can be found here English, Spanish, Armenian.
    There is no presentation to post for the virtual parents meeting on 10/24/23.
    The presentations for the virtual parent meeting on 3/28/23 can be found here English, Spanish, Armenian.
    The presentations for the virtual parent meeting on 12/7/22 can be found here English, Spanish, Armenian.
    The presentations for the virtual parent meeting on 9/28/22 can be found here English, Spanish, Armenian.
    The presentations for the virtual parent meeting on 2/22/22 can be found here English, Spanish, Armenian AND English, Spanish, Armenian.
    The presentation from the 11/17/21 Great Expectations meeting can be found here English, SpanishArmenian.
    The presentations for the virtual parent meeting on 11/9/21 can be found here English, Spanish, Armenian.
    The presentations for the virtual parent meeting on 4/28/21 can be found here EnglishSpanishArmenian
    To view the video for the virtual parent meeting on 4/28/21 click this link https://youtu.be/Plp9Ex8KmV0
    The presentation for the virtual parent meeting on 2/25/21 can be found here. 

    BUSD Logo

    Department of Special Education & Psychological Services:                    

    Phone: (818) 729-4449
    Fax: (818) 729-4544  

    The Special Education Master Plan was approved by the Board of Education on 11/16/17 (Amended on 11/15/18).  

    Click here for the Special Education Master Plan.

    The Special Education Oversight Committee was formed to oversee the implementation of the Master Plan. The work of the committee involved reviewing all elements of the Plan to ensure that timelines are met, actions are implemented and goals are achieved.  This committee met monthly subsequent to the plan being passed. 

    The Burbank Unified School District Department of Special Education serves students of Burbank residents. The District offers a full continuum of Special Education supports and services designed to maximize each child's learning potential and provide students with the greatest opportunity to achieve success in the least restrictive environment possible. Burbank Unified School District is a member of the Foothill SELPA, which is comprised of the schools in the Glendale, Burbank, and La Canada attendance areas. Cooperative SELPA programs are offered in each of the Districts.

    A wide range of services are available to Burbank students enrolled in regular classrooms and Special Education classrooms throughout the District. An Individual Education Program (IEP) is developed to address the unique educational needs of students with special needs.

    The Burbank USD Special Education Department is dedicated to meeting the needs of your child.  Below please find descriptions (non-exhaustive) of the types of supports, services and classrooms we provide.  All student's IEPs are individualized to meet their unique educational needs. Please contact us if you have any questions. A directory of staff and contact information is below.

    Special education includes both specially designed instruction and related services enabling eligible students with special needs to benefit from their respective educational programs. The Burbank Unified School District (BUSD) provides a full range of special education program options to meet the educational and service requirements of eligible students with exceptional needs in the least restrictive environment (LRE). The LRE is generally the most suitable setting to the one attended by general education students and is individually defined, based on students’ unique needs, as identified in their Individual Education Programs (IEP).

    Services, accommodations and modifications are offered to students with disabilities in the BUSD through either the general education program, via a Section 504 plan, or through the special education program through an IEP; both are designed to provide varied program options and accommodations to meet the unique educational needs of all students with disabilities. Specialized Academic Instruction (Specially Designed Instruction or SAI) is provided through a full continuum of placement options including:

    Below are explanations of a non-exhaustive list of supports and services provided:

    Full Inclusion

    A special education student may participate in a general education class for all or part of a school day, if appropriate, with special education support designed to promote interaction with nondisabled peers.

    Specialized Academic Instruction

    SAI is specially designed instruction to meet the educational needs of eligible students with disabilities. The BUSD offers a full continuum of placement and programming options to provide SAI to special education students with various types of unique educational needs. SAI, with appropriate supports and services, is available on some level at all schools within the District. Some schools host classrooms with certain embedded supports benefitting students with specific needs.

    Examples of programming options include: 

    • General education class with consultative or collaborative SAI support by a Special Education Specialist
    • General education class with co-teaching and/or direct instruction SAI by a Special Education Specialist
    • SAI in a separate special education class on a comprehensive, general education campus. Percentage of time special education students spend in a separate class and the subjects taught vary and are individualized based on their unique needs
    • Special day class is an older, but frequently used, phrase referring to a self-contained classroom with a small student to teacher ratio, in which special education students may receive SAI for the majority of their school day, if required, by their IEPs 
    • Special day school is a separate public or nonpublic school without general education students on campus
    • Residential Treatment Services/ Residential Treatment Non-Public School
    • Home/Hospital Program

    Specialized Programs/Regionalized Resources

               BUSD provides individualized supports to some eligible special education students in specialized and regional programs requiring such support.

             Examples include:

    • Mild to Moderate Credentialed Education Specialists are at all school sites. Services provided on pull out, push in or collaborative basis to students. 
    • Small group classrooms (Special Day Class or "SDC") are available for all academic subjects with an Educational Specialist at McKinley, Roosevelt, Emerson and Providencia elementary schools (known as Collaborative Learning Centers or "CLC"), along with all middle and high schools
    • Classrooms (SDC) with Moderate to Severe Credentialed Education Specialists are at Stevenson Elementary, Luther Middle School, Burbank High School and John Burroughs High School
    • Classrooms with teachers specializing in meeting the needs of students with Autism are available at Washington Elementary School, Dolores Huerta Middle School, Luther Middle School, John Burroughs High School and Burbank High School
    • Miller Elementary and John Muir Middle School have additional supports in place for special education students who have more behavioral or social-emotional needs
    • Burbank Community Day School (CDS) has a Special Education Specialist who can provide SAI for partial day or full day academic support.
    • Preschool Special Education Early Development Program (SEED) at Horace Mann Child Care Center
    • Adult Transition Program (FACTS Program) at Burbank Adult School for 18 to 22 year-old students with special needs
    • SAI for 18 years+/12th grade+ diploma seeking Burbank students  at Burbank Adult School
    • BUSD operates a Special Education Local Planning Area (SELPA) therapeutic day school, Magnolia Park School

     Related Services

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and California Education Code identify additional related services and eligible students may require to benefit from their special education instruction. Some examples (non-exhaustive) of these services include:

    • Speech and language services
    • Adapted physical education
    • Counseling
    • Audiological services
    • Physical therapy
    • Occupational therapy
    • Deaf and hard of hearing services
    • Orientation and mobility
    • Transportation