Academics - Curriculum and Instruction

  • Attendance FAQ's

  • What will be covered in the webinar titled "Technology Support for Families" that was shared in the Superintendent’s letter on August 6, 2020? Will it cover how to use Google Classroom or any other online platform BUSD chooses?

  • How many online platforms will BUSD be using? Will it be only Google Classroom?

  • What is live virtual interaction?

  • What does live virtual instruction mean? Does the teacher need to be teaching the whole group live for the entire teaching period? (ex.: the 80 minutes for TK,K; the 120 minute ELA/Math periods in grades 1-5, and the times for secondary)

  • Can parents continue with Distance Learning if we switch to hybrid or traditional models?

  • If the full fall semester is going to be online, when will that decision be made? If schools are going to re-open, even as a hybrid, how much notice will families be given?

  • How do students prepare for college? Do you know if SATs will be offered? Do you know if ACTs will be offered? Do you know if PSATs will be offered? I realize this is constantly changing. When you see information, can you share it with us?

  • I understand there will be no College Fair this year. Is there a possibility of doing a virtual College Fair?

  • How are labs going to be taught in science? Will the science classes in high school still meet the UC a-g lab science requirements?

  • How will you address the PE requirement so sophomores can pass out of taking it for 4 years?

  • When you refer to office hours in the MOU, is that one-on-one interaction with the teacher similar to when a student would go by a teacher's classroom after school to ask additional questions?

  • If the Stage Tech class does not have the required adults paying full tuition and the class has to be cancelled, when will that decision be made so that students can choose another class?

  • Will there be Open House nights where teachers can share with parents about their classes?

  • What happens if elementary students cannot participate during the live instruction sessions? How will that impact attendance if they still complete their work?

  • How much synchronous instruction will students receive in Distance Learning?

  • What does instruction look like for elementary students?

  • What does asynchronous instruction look like for elementary students?

  • What supplies will students need for Distance Learning?

  • Will live synchronous instruction be recorded and posted for student access?

  • Will teachers have “office hours” or help sessions when students are not in live instructional settings?

  • Will my child still be enrolled in Dual Immersion in distance learning?

  • What is the current status of the Dual Immersion program?

  • Please describe the Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten schedule for distance learning.

  • Please describe the Grade 1 through 3 schedule for distance learning.

  • Please describe the Grade 4 and 5 schedule for distance learning.

  • Please describe the 6-8 schedule for distance learning.

  • Please describe the 9-12 schedule for distance learning.

  • For elementary, what does the live virtual interaction in the afternoon include?

  • For elementary, why is the live virtual interaction done after lunch?

  • How many minutes of elementary at-home learning assignments are to be scheduled on Fridays?

  • How many minutes of secondary at-home learning assignments are to be scheduled on Fridays?

  • For elementary, will teachers or staff be able to have a “meet n greet” before school starts or the first day?

  • What will grading look like at the elementary level?

  • Will there be any other school activities, live or remote?

  • Will school photos be taken this year?

  • How will attendance work?

  • Independent Learning Academy (ILA)— is this going to be a choice— in other words, are spots actually going to open up? Will the district allow as many students to sign up as are interested in the program?

  • I am an athlete— I know I cannot do ILA. Can I take hybrid or 100% distance learning through BHS or JBHS and be able to participate in my sport?

  • Can middle school students be enrolled at the ILA?

  • Can middle school students and high school students be dual enrolled at their home school and ILA?

  • If my child attends the ILA do we have to pay for books like we do when we take the APEX course over the summer and we pay for it?

  • How does APEX do PE and science labs?

  • If I choose 100% distance, can I still enroll in 7 periods?

  • If an AP class is taught online, will colleges recognize the score on the test and still offer units?

  • If parents are forming study pods with students can they be assigned the same teacher?

  • How will GATE instruction be delivered through Distance Learning?

  • For secondary, can teachers assign required work outside of class time each day?

  • For secondary, what happens after lunch?

  • For secondary, what happens on Fridays?

  • For secondary, what is the purpose of the 30/35-minute live monitoring period?

  • For secondary, why is zero period scheduled for Monday through Thursday?

  • When will English Language Development (ELD) instruction occur?

  • When will RSP, Speech, OT, APE, etc. be held?

  • In elementary, what will PE look like in Distance Learning?

  • What supplies or technology needs might students require for Distance Learning?

  • A parent received notification from ATB that there is a way to hold their child's spot for this year. Is there any similar hold for ASES ?

  • Are students expected to have cameras and use video on live instruction sessions?

  • If my child has an IEP, how will they receive their accommodations and services in the hybrid model? In the online-only model?

  • How will my child receive their special education supports and service in a hybrid model?

  • How will my child receive their special education supports and services in a distance only model?

  • When will my student’s assessment and/or IEP from spring be completed?

  • If my child has a 504, how will students be supported in a hybrid model? In the online-only model?

  • How will grades be determined?

  • What will secondary school electives like for choir, band and culinary arts look like?

  • If my child is enrolled in the online-only model, can they still participate in extracurricular activities?

  • What if I want to Homeschool my child?