- Luther Burbank MS
What is CJSF?
The California Junior Scholarship Federation (CJSF) is a statewide organization designed to promote high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship among middle school students across California. As the middle school equivalent of the California Scholarship Federation (CSF), CJSF includes over 600 chapters throughout the state.
To become a member, students must meet specific academic and citizenship criteria each semester. Membership is NOT automatic. Students need to submit an application and qualify based on their grades from the previous semester. For instance, 8th graders applying for the fall semester must qualify based on their 7th-grade spring semester grades. Each semester’s membership is contingent on meeting these requirements anew. Applications must be submitted during designated periods, as late applications will not be accepted, and retroactive membership cannot be granted.
Fall Semester: Membership is open exclusively to current 8th graders.
Spring Semester: Membership is open to both, current 7th and 8th graders.
Students must apply during designated periods, as late or retroactive applications will not be accepted. For more information about CJSF, visit the official CJSF Website.
What are the benefits of CJSF membership?
At Luther Middle School, our CJSF chapter offers students a unique opportunity to excel academically while making a positive impact on both the school and the community. Membership in CJSF not only fosters high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship but also prepares students for high school and future endeavors. Students are encouraged to engage in extracurricular activities such as band, Leadership, yearbook, drama, choir, engineering, culinary arts and volunteering. These experiences help students discover their genuine interests and build valuable skills.
What do I need to join CJSF?
Students need to earn a minimum of 10* points on a semester report card in 4 core academic courses (math, language arts, science, and social science) and 1 elective course to be eligible.
Report card grades: A = 3 points, B = 1 points, no points for grades C and below
D or F in any course disqualifies a student from semester membership
Physical Education and TA (Teacher’s Assistant) courses do not count when totaling class points for CJSF. Courses designated as remedial, “Fundamentals” or “Bridges” do not qualify.
Note: One additional point will be given for a grade of “A” or “B” in an Honors course, up to a maximum of two additional points per semester. Honors courses include classes designated “GATE,” 7th graders in Math 7(2) or Algebra and 8th graders in Algebra or Geometry.
*Students enrolled in 0 period Spanish must earn 10 points, but can only use up to 5 classes (with the exception of PE and/or Office TA) to qualify.
Students must have satisfactory citizenship in all classes. A Citizenship grade of “N” or “U” in any course will automatically disqualify a student from membership in CJSF for the semester.
$15.00 membership dues (Club dues support CJSF chapter dues, events and program essentials)
Fully complete the CJSF application on the back of this form and turn it in on time.
Provide a copy of academic transcript/report card (from the semester prior to the application year).
Students must reapply for CJSF membership at the beginning of each semester.
How can I become a CJSF Honor Member?
Students who are CJSF members for three [3] semesters automatically become an Honor Member.
NOTE: 8th graders joining for the 1st time in 8th grade are not eligible for Honor Membership.
What awards do CJSF Honor Members receive?
Those who obtain honor membership by the end of their eighth grade year will receive the following awards:
The official gold CJSF Honor Membership Pin and Medallion awarded at 8th Grade Awards Night
A certificate of recognition
Special recognition at 8th Grade Promotion
A white cord to wear during the culmination ceremony
Are Service Hours Required?
Service hours are NOT required to be a CJSF Member. However, ALL members who complete 12 total hours of approved community services from the time they are accepted into CJSF are eligible to receive the Scholarship for Service white cord to be worn at promotion. This cord certifies that the student has met and upheld all of the academic requirements of CJSF as well as honoring the organization's motto “Scholarship for Service”. Service hours must be completed during active membership only. Service hour forms must be turned in by the due date. NO EXCEPTIONS!
What additional activities must CJSF members participate in?
One lunch meeting and/or one CJSF event per quarter.
What happens if I receive a referral or suspension when I am a member of CJSF?
If you receive a referral or suspension for any reason, your CJSF membership will be revoked for the current semester. You may reapply for membership in the following semester. Additionally, the adviser and/or principal may disbar a student from membership for ethical reasons, even if the student is otherwise eligible..
How can I contact the CJSF Advisors?
If you have any questions about CJSF, please see or email the advisors.
Ms. Enokian (Room 204) StefanieEnokian@burbankusd.org
Mr. Redman (Room 314) AnthonyRedman@burbankusd.org
Service Hours Information
For 8th graders only: The Service Hour Log Sheet with your minimum of twelve [12] completed hours of service is due to Ms. Enokian no later than March 28, 2025 by 3:00 pm. NO LATE FORMS WILL BE ACCEPTED!
2024-2025 CJSF Community Service Hour Log