John Muir Middle School Counseling Department

  • counseling graphic

    Welcome to the John Muir Middle School Counseling page! School Counseling is a developmental process in which one individual (the counselor) provides another individual or group (the student) with guidance and encouragement, as well as challenge and inspiration in creatively managing and resolving practical, personal, and relationship issues in order to help students achieve goals. School counselors focus on three main domains: Academic, Career/College, and Social-Emotional.

    If you will be a new-to-Muir student in the 2024-2025 school year, you live in Burbank and your child does not currently attend BUSD school and would like to see the school, please call or email Sandra Kelley in the counseling office to schedule a campus tour. She may be reached at 818 / 729 -3800, ext. 22860 or

    2024 5th Grade Night Presentation



Contact Info

Counseling Staff


    shana duran Hello. My name is Shana Duran and I am a counselor at John Muir. I have been a counselor at John Muir for over 20 years. I love my job and enjoy working with students. I enjoy the beach, hiking and hanging out with friends and family.


    ellen huizar Muir Mustangs! My name is Ellen Huizar and this is my 14th year as a school counselor at John Muir. I love being a counselor at Muir because I get to support students in so many different ways and see them grow so much from 6th to 8th grade. I am originally from Wisconsin and moved to California with my husband right after graduate school. Our family has since grown as we now have three kids and a dog. I love to hike, go to the beach, travel, shop and do DIY projects.


    Hello Muir Mustangs! My name is Debbie Maddigan and this is my sixth year at John Muir Middle School. This year, I am the 8th grade counselor as well as the Programs'  and WEB Coordinator. WEB stands for Where Everyong Belongs. At lunch time, you can be part of fun and interactive counseling activities that teach you coping skills and ways to stay mentally healthy. Some of the activities include: Bingo, Scavenger Hunts, Escape Rooms or Arts and Crafts. As a WEB coordinator, I work with Mr. Starleaf to ensure that every student who enters the 6th grade feels like they belong at our school with our WEB Orientation and 8th Grade Leader Mentoring Program. My husband and I have six children and we have lived in Burbank for the last 26 years. I love walking and hiking in the Burbank hills, going to the beach and reading mysteries and thrillers.


    derek starleaf I look forward to the days of high-five Fridays again but in the meantime we'll make do with some elbow and fist bumps. My name is Derek Starleaf and this is my 11th year as a counselor at Muir. I have grown up in Burbank all my life and attended Jefferson, Muir and BHS so I have experienced both sides of the journey our students are on. I have been a teaching professional at the Burbank Tennis Center for more than 10 years and have seen many teachers and students enjoying the park or out on the court. My family and I love hiking in Wildwood Canyon or just hanging out with our Labs, Tex and Scout.

  • FAQs

  • Role of a School Counselor

  • Where Everybody Belongs (WEB)

Last Modified on July 22, 2024