Retail Marketing


    Industry Sector: Marketing Sales and Service

CTE Courses:

  • Retail Marketing Course Description: This course trains students in marketing foundations and functions, and demonstrates strategies used to merchandise and sell products and services effectively in a competitive market. Students learn basic sales techniques, customer service, marketing strategies, promotions, inventory control, marketing math, merchandising techniques, store operation, global marketing, and entrepreneurship. This course combines classroom instruction with unpaid or paid on-the-job training experiences.

    Credits: 10


    • Must be 16 or older
    • This program is designed for working students to receive high school credits for paid or non-paid employment. Weekly related instruction is required.
    • In addition, students must work a minimum of 15 hours per week.
  • Where & When – 5 CLASSES:
    Mondays 2:30 — 5:00 @ JBHS Room 1-223
    Mondays 5:00 — 7:30 @ JBHS Room 1-223
    Tuesdays 3:30 — 6:00 @ JBHS Room 1-217
    Tuesdays 3:30 — 6:00 @ BHS Room 1-143
    Wednesdays 3:30 — 6:00 @ BHS Room 1-143

  • Careers requiring a high school diploma or equivalent:

  • Careers requiring some post- secondary:

  • Careers requiring a BA / BS degree:

  • For students interested in attending a UC Campus, be aware that requirements meeting the CSU GE pattern may vary from IGETC GE requirements. Students are encouraged to consult a college counselor for clarification.