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GATE Enrichment Resources
Digital learning offers a unique opportunity for students and parents alike to explore new and old interests to enrich their minds. For those of you craving more knowledge I complied some resources to peruse. These links are by no means a comprehensive list, but there are a plethora of learning opportunities that await you within… Just explore!
This is my middle-school Flipgrid class with engaging topics to explore and respond to via video. Students can share their Flipgrid videos here and view other students’ posts. I will be adding new topics to this weekly.
Virtual Field Trips
(Museums, Zoos, NASA, National and State Parks…) https://www.wearethemighty.com/MIGHTY-SURVIVAL/free-virtual-field-trips-quarantine?rebelltitem=2#rebelltitem2
(A one-stop hub for virtual field trips and exploration.)
Virtual Learning Lab: (Marine Mammals) https://educationaladvancement.org/blog-virtual-learning-lab-marine-mammals/
Reading Lists
Good Books for Bright Kids. - https://cty.jhu.edu/resources/cty-reading-list.html
(The Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY), encourages kids to explore the things that make them happy. Let them choose their own adventures from this reading list for bright kids.)
(Epic: A digital library for kids offering access to 40000 of the best children's books of all time.)
(16 Recommended books for middle schoolers. Explore the rest of the site for additional books.)
Great Websites with Many Resources Embedded Within
(Links to cool websites for kids spanning a variety of topics.)
(Challenging math problems worth solving. Sorted by grade level and concept.)
(Content curriculum websites and apps including inventing, poetry, math, cartoons, etc.)
“50+ Websites with Hands-on Enrichment Activities for Kids at Home”
(A compilation of MANY websites for students to explore new, or old, interests such as photography, coding, finances and life skills, science, writing, sewing, foreign languages, art, etc.)
Davidson Institute
Resource Support for Families during COVID-19.
(This section of Davidson Gifted has a TON of resources for families such as: charts comparing different online academic courses, book lists, magazines, podcasts and educational video channels, inspiration for projects at home, subscription boxes, and much more.)
SENG is a nonprofit network of people who guide gifted, talented, and twice-exceptional individuals to reach their goals intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. Sections of note:
(Library of resources with topics such as; Education and Homeschooling, Parenting, Peer Relationships, Overexcitabilities, 100 Words of Wisdom, and many more)
(a list of mental health providers with experience working with gifted, talented, and/or twice-exceptional individuals.)
Article: “Helping your Gifted Child”
https://www.nagc.org/sites/default/files/Parent%20CK/NAGC_Helping%20Your%20Gifted%20Child%20Succeed-English.pdfindividuals to reach their goals intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially
Article: “Supporting Your Gifted Child During COVID-19”
The GATE contact at our site is Mrs. Dena Grimshaw at extension is 21925 and her email is denagrimshaw@burbankusd.org