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Special Education
Dolores Huerta Vision Statement: Through the collaborative efforts of staff, students, parents and community, Dolores Huerta Middle School will provide a safe, caring, and challenging learning environment while meeting the social, emotional and academic needs of all learners. We will empower our students to become creative, caring, healthy, and responsible citizens who will think critically and globally, communicate effectively, accept responsibility for their learning, and master skills necessary for lifelong learning.
Special Ed at the District Office: Phone: (818) 729-4449
Special Ed Staff
Special Education Dept. Chair Ms. Tapanyan AnieTapanyan@burbankusd.org School Psychologist Mrs. Barragan veronicabarragan@burbankusd.org Special Education Teacher Mrs. Moran RachelMoran@burbankusd.org Special Education Teacher Mr. Forge JoshuaForge@burbankusd.org Special Education Teacher Ms. Adams KellyAdams@burbankusd.org Special Education Teacher Mrs. Patterson PattyPatterson@burbankusd.org