• Burbank Unfied School District is working with all the High Schools, Middle Schools, and Elementary Schools on training in and implementation of the PBIS management system. PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports. Bret Harte is an active member of the PBIS community. Harte has a PBIS team that meets once a month to discuss the program. Thoughout our years as a PBIS school, our PBIS team has included the Principal, Curriculum Specialist, Classroom Teachers, and a Harte Parent. As a team, we take everything we have been working on during those meetings and share with the rest of the school staff. We ask, and encourage, parents to learn more about our PBIS program in order to better support our classroom teachers and school community. 

    Below are the components we are currently using for our PBIS program. Click around to check it out!