Orientation Information


    Dear Families of Bret Harte Students:

    The following is important information related to safety and supervision:

    Safety: Our #1 priority is to ensure the safety your child’s safety. The Bret Harte staff and I would like to remind you of the steps we have taken to achieve that goal. Your cooperation in maintaining our safety procedures at our school is appreciated!

    We verify all adults on campus are accounted for and belong at our school. We ask that parents and visitors stop at the school office to sign in and get a visitor’s badge. Please return the badge to the office and sign out before leaving campus.

    Drop-Off Information: Children may be dropped off in the morning no earlier than 8:15. Please do not enter campus or walk your child to class. If your child is experiencing difficulty separating from you, please bring them to the front office and we will help you.

    Teacher Contact: Open communication is vital to your child’s success. We want you to feel welcome to contact us! If you would like to talk to your child’s teacher before or after school, please make prior arrangements via note, email or phone. Each teacher will be checking his or her email daily, usually at the close of the school day. Please give the teacher 24 hours to return your message. Include the best way to contact you. Our email addresses include the teacher’s first and last name (lower case) at burbankusd.org. Please call immediately regarding safety issues.

    Pick-Up Information: Children feel more secure when they are picked up promptly after school. Please pick your child up at the designated gate or door as indicated by your child’s teacher directly after dismissal time. No supervision is available for students who are picked up late. If you have an emergency and cannot arrive on time, please call the office immediately.

    Traffic: Traffic flow is a big problem during arrival and dismissal times. Please leave early. Please try to park a couple of blocks away and walk to school. Remember, making sure that every child is safe every day is everyone’s responsibility. Please adhere to state laws, drive slowly and be courteous to others. The parking lots on Lima and Ontario are only available to BUSD employees. Please do not drive through the parking lot.

    Thank you for your assistance in keeping our kids safe!

    Martha Walter