• Attention Prospective Roosevelt Families

    We are currently accepting enrollments for the 2020 - 2021 school year ELECTRONICALLY at https://burbankusd.asp.aeries.net/AIR/

     After successfully enrolling your child online, please email scans or photos of the following documents to amygoulet@burbankusd.org or contact her with questions at (818) 729-3150 x11492:
    • Copy of completed online enrollment (signed/dated)
    • Original student Birth Certificate or student Passport
    • Immunization Records (must be current)
    • Parent/Guardian Picture ID
    • Proof of Residency (water, electric, gas bill)

    Note-While we are accepting enrollment packets, students will not be formally placed at school sites until later this summer. You will be notified via email.

    Thank you for your flexibility and patience...WELCOME TO BUSD!