District Approved Apps

  • BUSD has partnered with the following platforms to provide core online services for our staff, teachers and students:

    • Google G Suite for Education
    • Microsoft Office 365 Education
    • Apple School Manager and iCloud

    A list of district approved apps and software is available at https://www.burbankusd.org/apps and will be updated throughout the school year. All approved platforms and apps meet State (AB 1584) and Federal (FERPA) legal requirements and BUSD policy regarding data privacy. The District remains in control of student data at all times and targeted advertising by software providers is prohibited.  Apps may also be approved if they do not require student data to function.

    Instructional App Requests

    For teachers that would like to request a new app that is not on the list, or if you’d like an approved app installed in your classroom or computer lab, please follow the instructions in this guide:

    Instructional App Request Guide