Glossary of Terms and Acronyms Used in Education

Glossary of Terms and Acronyms

AASA American Association of School Administrators
AB Assembly Bill (California Legislature)
AB 430 Principal training program
AB 472 ELA professional development
AB 75 Principal training program
ABA Applied Behavior Analysis (autism intervention program)
ACSA Association of California School Administrators
ACYF Administration for Children, Youth and Families
AD Administrative Designee
ADA Average Daily Attendance / (also) Americans with Disabilities Act
ADD Attention Deficit Disorder
AMAO Title III of the ESEA sets Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) or targets that school districts receiving Title III funds must meet.  The first AMAO (AMAO 1) relates to making annual progress on the CELDT, the second (AMAO 2) relates to attaining English proficiency on the CELDT, and the third AMAO (AMAO 3) relates to meeting AYP by the English Learner student group at the LEA level.  AMAOs 1 and 2 are based on CELDT results.  AMAO3 is based on data from CST, CMA, CAPA and/or the CAHSEE.
AMARD The Analysis, Measurement, and Accountability Reporting Division (AMARD) of the CDE calculates and reports the API, AYP, PI and Title III Accountability programs.
AMOs Schools, LEAs, the state, and numerically significant student groups must meet percent proficient targets (or annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) in ELA and mathematics on the assessments used in AYP calculations.
APE Adapted Physical Education
API The academic performance index (API) is the school accountability measurement under California�s PSAA of 1999.
APR The Academic Progress Reporting (APR) system provides an integrated approach to reporting results for state and federal accountability requirements and includes API, AYP, PI and Title III reports.
ASAM Alternative Schools Accountability Model
ASL American Sign Language
ATSI Additional Targeted Support and Improvement
AVID Advancement via Individual Determination
AWOL Away without leave (absent without leave)
AYP Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) is the federal accountability measure with a series of annual academic performance targets established for LEAs and the state. Under AMAO3 of Title III of the ESEA, LEAs are required to meet or exceed requirements within two areas of the EL student group in order to meet AYP annually: Participation Rate and Percent Proficient for English language arts and mathematics.
BCC Bilingual Certificate of Competency
BCLAD Bilingual Cross-Culture Language Development
BOE Board of Education
BP Board Policy
BTSA Beginning Teachers Support Assessment Program
CAASPP California Assessment of Student Performance Progress
CAHSEE The California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) is administered to all student in grade ten and to students in grades eleven and twelve if they did not pass the CAHSEE in grade 10.
CAIS California Accountability and Improvement System (CAIS) is a web-based support system used to review school plans and monitor compliance documentation for schools (public and non-public), districts, and county offices that receive funding for certain programs.
CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) is a longitudinal data system used to maintain individual level data including student demographics, course data, discipline, assessments, staff assignments, and other data for state and federal reporting.
CalPERS California Public Employees Retirement System
CALSTRS California State Teachers Retirement System
CAP California Assessment Program
CAPA The California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) is an alternate assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities who cannot participate in the general STAR Program assessments, even with accommodations or modifications.
CASAS Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System
CASBO California Association of School Business Officials Organization of chief business/financial officers from the districts and county offices.
CBEDS California Basic Education Data System
C-BEST California Basic Education Skills Test
CBO Chief Business Officer
CCBE California County Boards of Education an organization made up of the 58 county boards of educations
CCR Coordinated Compliance Review
CCSESA California County Superintendents Educational Services Association statewide association the 58 county superintendents in California.
CDE The California Department of Education (CDE) is the state education agency for California.
CDS Community Day School
CDS CODE County/District or School Code
CEC Council for Exceptional Children
CELDT The California English Language Development Test (CELDT) is the state test of English language proficiency that LEAs in California are required to administer to newly enrolled students whose primary home language is not English and to any student who is an EL as an AA (education code Section 313 and Title 5 California Code of Regulations, Section 11510).  CELDT results are included in the calculations for AMAOS 1 and 2. (Length of implementation 2000-2001 through 2017-2018.)
CELDT Common Scale The CELDT was rescaled in 2006 to allow for the comparison of a student's scale score on each domain (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) going forward from the 2006-07. A student's scale score on a the new common scale can be compared to prior year's performance level and scale score to measure the annual growth of a student in learning English. (Length of implementation 2000-2001 through 2017-2018.)
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CFT California Federation of Teachers
CH Communicatively Handicapped
CHSPE California High School Proficiency Examination
CLAD Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Development
CLAS California Learning Assessment System
CNASDP Comprehensive Needs Assessment and Service Delivery Plan
COE Certificate of Eligibility
COE A County Office of Education (COE) administers educational programs and coordinates with schools and school districts at the county office level.
COLA Cost of Living Adjustment
CONSORTIUM To be eligible for a direct-funded LEP student sub grant, LEAs must be scheduled to receive a sub grant of $10,000 or more. If an LEA is projected to receive and LEP student sub grant of less than t$10,000, the LEA must enter into an agreement to form and/or join a consortium win which the total amount of the sub grants of members of the consortium collectively total $10,000 or more.  In the case of a consortium of LEAs, on the lead LEA is the grantee. (Title III, Section 3114). The accountability data for the consortium lead and the consortium members are aggregated up to the consortium level to determine if the AMAOS have been met for the consortium as a whole.
CP Cerebral Palsy
CPIN California Preschool Instructional Network
CPM Categorical Program Monitoring
CPS Children's Protective Services; Dept. of Social Services
CSBA California School Boards Association made up of the 1,000+ school district and county boards in the state.
CSEA California School Employees Association statewide classified employee union
CSI Comprehensive Support and Improvement
CSIS California Student Information System
CSSA California Safe Schools Act
CST The California Standards Test (CST) is a set of tests annually administered to students in grades two through twelve. It includes the content areas of English language arts, mathematics, history-social science and science.  (Length of implementation 1998-1999 through 2012-2013.)
CSU California State University
CTA California Teachers Association statewide teacher's union
CTAP California Technology Assistance Project
CTC California Teacher Credential
CTE Plan California Career Technical Education State Plan
CTEL or C-TEL California Teacher of English Learners
CYO California Youth Outreach
D/HOH Deaf/Hard of Hearing
DD Developmental Disabilities
DELAC District English Learner Advisory Committee
DFCS Department of Family and Children's Services
DHS California Department of Health Services and Digital High School
DIS Designated Instructional Services
DOE Department of Education
DOL Department of Labor
Domains The CELDT assesses four domains in kindergarten through grade twelve: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
DRM The Data Review Module (DRM) is an online data correction application for the CELDT used to correct demographic and testing data for students whose answer books were submitted by the AA window.
DSA Division of State Architecture
EAP Employee Assistance Program
EC California Education Code
ECE Early Childhood Education
ED Emotional Disturbance
ED The United States Department of Education
EDC Educational Development Center
EDGAR Educational Department General Administrative Regulations
EdTech Educational Technology
EduSoft EduSoft Software (Assessment Management System)
EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EETT Enhancing Education Through Technology
EITEL Effective Instruction for Teachers of English Learners
EJWC Education of Juvenile Court Wards
EL An English Learner is a student with a primary language other than English who is not yet proficient in English.
ELA English Language Arts is a content area of CAASPP tests.
ELAC English Learner Advisory Committee
ELAC English Language Advisory Committee
ELD English Language Development
ELD Standards The English Language Development (ELD) standards, adopted by the state board of education in 2012, define what English learners in California public schools must know and be able to do as they progress toward full fluency in English.
ELL English Language Learner
ELPAC English Learner Proficiency Assessments for California
ELSSA English Learner Subgroup Self-Assessment
EMS Emergency Medical System
English Proficient Level The criterion for English language proficiency is an overall score of early advanced or higher and a score of intermediate or higher for each domain (listening, speaking, reading and writing). For Kindergarten and grade one, the criterion for English language proficiency is an overall score of early advanced or higher and a score of intermediate or higher for the domains of listening and speaking.
EO English Only
EOE End of Eligibility
EPS Emergency Protective Services
ERA The Evaluation, Research, and Analysis (ERA) unit is an office in the CDE that calculates and reports the Program Improvement and Title III Accountability reports.
E-Rate Discounted Telecommunications Services for Schools and Libraries
ESEA Elementary and Secondary Education Act: Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) requires states to administer a test to newly enrolled students whose primary (home) language is not English to determine their level of English language fluency. In California, the English Learner Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) serves this purpose. Students identified through the initial assessment as English learners must be given the ELPAC annually until they are reclassified as fluent English proficient. Title III sets Annual Measurable Achievement Objective (AMAO) targets that the school district receiving Title III funds must meet.
ESL English as a Second Language
ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages
ESP Early Start Program (birth to three)
ETC Educational Technology Consortium
FAQ(s) Frequently Asked Question(s)
FCMAT Fiscal Crisis and Management Team
FEP Fluent English Proficiency
FERPA Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
FPM/CPM Federal/Compliance Program Monitoring
FRL Free and Reduced Lunch
FTE Full Time Equivalency (related to employee hours)
FY Fiscal Year
FYI For Your Information
FYS Foster Youth Services
GATE Gifted and Talented Education
GED General Education Development
GEPA General Education Provisions Act
GPRA Government Performance Results Act
HCYEP Homeless Child and Youth Education Program
HEA Higher Education Act
HEP High School Equivalency Program
HHS U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
HOH/DEAF Hard of Hearing/Deaf
HR Human Resources
HS High School
HSEE High School Exit Exam
I&R Identification and Recruitment
IA The CELDT is first given to newly enrolled students, whose primary language is not English, as an initial assessment (IA) of English language fluency.  AMAO2 calculations include initial CELDT takers tested during the AA window if they are classified as EL. (Length of implementation 2000-2001 through 2017-2018.)
IASA Improving America's Schools Act (1994)
IDEA ACT Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEL Institute for Educational Leadership
IEL Individualized Education Plan
IFEP Initial Fluent English Proficient (IFEP) students are students with a primary language other than English who took the ELPAC within 30 days of enrollment in a U.S. public school and who met with school district criterion for English language proficiency (i.e., those students who were initially identified as fluent in English).
IFSP Individualized Family Service Plan
IHE Institution of Higher Education
ILP Individual Learning Plan
INA Initial Needs Assessment
INS Immigration and Naturalization Services
IS Independent Study
IT Information Technology
ITP Individualized Transition Plan
ITV Instructional Television
JPA Joint Powers Agreement
JTPA Job Training Partnership Act
K-12 Kindergarten through 12th grade
LAS-O Language Assessment Scale-Oral
LCAP Local Control Accountability Plan
LCFF Local Control Funding Formula
LD Learning Disabled
LEA A Local Educational Agency (LEA) is a government agency which supervises local public primary and secondary schools in the delivery of instructional and educational services. For title III Accountability, LEAs include school districts, county offices of education, direct-funded charter schools and consortium leads.
LEAP LEAP Plan A requirement for LEAs receiving certain federal funds.
LEP The Title III Limited English proficient (LEP) student program is provided for LEP students, referred to as ELS in California, to help them attain English proficiency, develop high levels of academic attainment in English and meet the same challenging state academic standards as all other students.
LRE Least Restrictive Environment
LTEL Long Term English Learners
MCS Management, Confidential and Supervisory Employees
MD Muscular Dystrophy / (also) Medical Doctor
MFCC Marriage, Family, and Child Counselor
MH Multi-Handicapped / (also) Mental Health
MIS Management Information System
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MS Middle School/Multiple Sclerosis / (also) Mail Stop
MSFW Migrant and/or Seasonal Farm Worker
NA/(N/A) Not Applicable/Not Available
NCES National Center for Education Statistics
NCLB No Child Left Behind (2001)
NEP Non-English Proficiency
NPS Non-Pubic School
NSBA National School Boards Association
O/M Orientation/Mobility
O/T Operations/Technology / (also) Occupation Therapy
OBEMLA Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs
OCR Office of Civil Rights
OESE Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
OHI Other Health Impaired
OI Orthopedically Impaired: formerly
OIG Office of Inspector General
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OT Occupational Therapy / (also) Out Temporarily
PAC Parent Advisory Council
PAR Peer Assistance and Review Program
PARS Parent Authorization and Recruiters Statement
PBIS Positive Behavior Interventions and Support
PD Professional Development
PD Program Development
PDS Professional Development Services
PERS Public Employees Retirement System
PH Physically Handicapped
PHN Public Health Nurse
PI LEAs and consortia that have failed to meet title III Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOS) for two consecutive years are in program improvement (PI) status and are required to develop an Improvement Plan that will ensure the LEA or consortia will meet AMAOs in the future. (Note: not current terminology)
PL Public Law
PLC Professional Learning Community
PO Probation Officer / (also) Purchase Order
PPS Pupil Personnel Services
PSAA The Public Schools Accountability Act (PSAA) of 1999 established the API, the state accountability requirements for California
PSQR Program Standard Quality Review
PSWA Psychologist and Social workers Association
PT Part Time / (also) Physical Therapy
PTA Parent Teacher Association
PY Program Year
RFEP Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) students are students with a primary language other than English who were initially classified as English learners, but who have subsequently met the school district criteria for English language proficiency are determined to be fluent English Proficient. RFEP students are not included in AMAO calculations.
RFP Request for Proposal
RIF Reduction in Force
ROP Regional Occupational Program
RSP Resource Specialist Program
RTI Response to Instruction and Intervention
SACS Standardized Account Code Structure
SARB School Accountability Review board
SARC School Accountability Review Card
SARC School Accountability Report Card
SAT Scholastic Achievement Test
SB Senate Bill
SB 472 Senate Bill on ELA or Math Professional Development
SBE State Board of Education
SCAN School-Centered Assessment of Needs
SDAIE Specifically Designed Academic Instruction in English
SDC Special Day Class
SDE State Department of Education
SEA State Education Agency
SELPA Special Education Local Plan Area
SES Supplemental Education Services / (also) Socio-Economic Status
SH Severely Handicapped
SIP Site Improvement Plan
SMART Specific, Measureable, Action-Orientated/Attainable, Realistic/Results Oriented, Time-Limited (Bound)
SPED Special Education
SSC School Site Council
SSID Statewide Student Identifiers
SSPQ Student Survey on Program Quality
SSR Sustained Silent Reading
SST Student Study Team
STAR Program Each Spring, students in grades 2 through 11 take the STAR test. Students take tests in math, reading, writing, science and history. The STAR Program includes four tests: the California Standards Tests, the California Modified Assessment, and the California Alternate Performance Assessment and the standards-based tests in Spanish.
STM Short Term Memory
STRS State Teachers Retirement System
SW Social Worker
TBA To Be Announced/Arranged
TBD To Be Determined
TE Teacher's Edition (of a book)
TOSA Teacher on Special Assignment
TSA Tax Sheltered Annuity
TSI Targeted Support and Improvement
TUPE Tobacco Use and Prevention Education
UC University of California
USDE United States Department of Education
VI Visually Impaired
WASC Western Association of Schools and Colleges
WIC Women, Infants, and Children
YTD Year to Date