Awards & Recognitions

2020 State of the Schools Breakfast

This video was presented at the 2020 State of the Schools Breakfast held In February.
Many thanks to our producers (Peggy Flynn and David Dobson) and all of our participants and attendees.

President John F. Kennedy Visiting the 1963 JBHS Prom

Link to Video

District Highlights

  • High-Achieving Schools - The Burbank Unified School District is one of the most high-achieving, competitive school districts in the Los Angeles area.
  • Adult School - Various classes and learning options are offered, including distance learning, independent study and online classes, available during the day and evening at several locations.
  • Alternative Education Programs - A range of alternative programs for students who are more successful in non-traditional settings, including a state-honored continuation high school, a community day school and several alternative special education programs.
  • Arts for All - A K-12 comprehensive arts program that focuses on a sequential standards-based curriculum and equity of access.  The Burbank Arts Education Foundation has been formed to provide ongoing financial support for visual and performing arts.
  • Business Academies - Programs at Burbank and Burroughs High Schools offer integrated classroom instruction and work-based learning opportunities to prepare students for the world of business and finance.
  • California Distinguished Schools - All elementary, middle, and high schools have been honored with this designation.
  • Career Technical Education - Classes provide technical skills and provide opportunities to explore a variety of potential careers.  These classes range from Culinary Arts to Small Aircraft Engine Report and Video Production.
  • Child Development Programs - Childcare and programs are offered from infancy through the age of 12. Around the Bell (ATB) for TK-5th grade students is before and after school childcare serving almost 700 students year round. State-funded childcare programs available at Bret Harte Elementary School and George Washington Elementary School. ASES (After School Education Safety Program) is offered at Walt Disney Elementary School, Providencia Elementary School, George Washington Elementary School, and Luther Burbank Middle School. Additionally, there is the Monterey Infant Center and After School Daze which is offered by the Burbank Park and Recreation Department.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum - A rigorous academic program for K-12 students.  Among supplemental programs in our elementary schools are gifted and talented education (GATE), special education, instrumental and vocal music groups, and English language development.  Additionally, in the secondary school: Regional Occupation Program (ROP), career academies, CIF athletics, college prep advanced placement, extracurricular activities, and more.
  • Excellent teachers and support - Nearly 100% of classroom teachers are "highly qualified" based on federal "No Child Left Behind" guidelines.  Many teachers and support staff are bilingual, including Spanish, Korean and Armenian.
  • Modernized Facilities - Every campus is upgraded and modernized.  Technology in the classroom enhances the curriculum at all grades.
  • Parent Involvement - PTAs and PTSAs are active in every school, plus many booster clubs support particular programs.  More than 1,000 parents take advantage of the many opportunities to volunteer.
  • Peacebuilders - This program, integrated into all elementary classrooms, focuses on character education and conflict resolution.
  • Service Learning - Community service is combined with experiential learning and reflection, resulting in civic responsibility and benefits to the community.