223 N. Jackson St.
Glendale, CA 91206
1. How do I contact SELPA? (What is the SELPA?) SELPA stands for Special Education Local Planning Area. Burbank USD is part of the Foothill SELPA, which is comprised of Glendale USD, La Canada USD and Burbank USD. The Districts work collaboratively to provide regionalized supports and and itinerant services to students.
(818) 241-3111 x 509
(818) 246-3537
2. How do I request an assessment of my preschool-age child?
Please refer to the section labeled "Special Education Forms"
3. How do I request an assessment of my grades K-12 age child?
Parents may request an initial assessment for special education eligibility a number of ways. Parents may submit a verbal or written request (letter, email) to their school administrator or directly to the Special Education Department. Parents may also request the school hold a Student Success Team meeting to address any concerns they have about their learning. From this meeting, a referral for an assessment may be made.
4. How do I transfer-in/enroll my Special Education student into the Burbank Unified School District?
Welcome to Burbank! Please visit the Special Education Department at the District between 8am and 4pm or call the Special Education Department at 818-729-4412 or email to schedule a time to come in to enroll your student
When you come to the district office to enroll, please bring the following documents with you:
- Current I.E.P.
- Child’s birth certificate
- Immunization records
- Current Burbank Water and Power Bill [If the Bill is not in parent/guardian’s name, the person on the bill will have to write a letter of residence (the letter must include parent/guardian’s name, child’s name, date of birth, address, and contact numbers). The person on the bill will also need to sign a residence verification form.]
- Parent/Guardian’s I.D
- Initial IEP date with Referral date and source, if available
- Assessment Plan (with signature and date), if available
- Most recent Assessment Reports, if available
- Transcripts / grades / report cards, if available
A member of the Special Education Leadership Team will review your child's IEP and develop a 30-day interim placement that is comparable to your last district's IEP. Your child's new IEP team will meet within 30-days to review his/her IEP. If appropriate and needed, updated assessments may be conducted during this 30 day time.
Please contact the Special Education Department if you have any questions about what to bring in. We look forward to serving your family.
5. What happens when my child matriculates? (Elementary to Middle School and Middle to High School?)
Moving on to middle school and high school is a very exciting time. The Special Education Department has a variety of procedures in place to help provide for smooth transitions. Below is an outline of the matriculation process:
- At their Annual IEP held during their 5th and 8th grade year, the team will discuss comparable and appropriate services and placement for the next school.
- 5th and 8th grade special education teachers meet with 6th and 9th grade teachers to discuss student needs and to transfer information to the new school.
- Parents may request IEPs to be held in spring specifically to address matriculation, if needed. They may request a representative from the receiving school IEP team be present. For some students, based on unique, individual needs, IEP teams will initiate the IEP meeting.
- Parent nights/orientations are held at all schools. At some schools, specific, smaller parent meetings are held for parents of students with IEPs and these are usually on the same nights as the general parent meeting, held either before or after.
- Some students will visit the future school during the school day on specially planned field trips. Others may attend open houses and will participate in mandatory tours during registration.
- A letter goes out to parents in January/February to explain the above process and provide dates for the above.
When your child transitions to the next level, it can be an exciting and scary time for parents. The Special Education Leadership Team supports schools, students and parents through this process ensure all students have a smooth and successful transition. Please don't hesitate to ask your case carrier/special education teacher or school administrator any questions you may have or contact a department Program Specialist. (Names and contact information is provided on the "Meet our Team" link).