AB 104 - Grade Change Request (Pass or No Pass - HS only)

AB 104 - Grade Change Request to pass or no pass for High School Students

Recent legislation has adjusted grading requirements for the 2020-2021 academic year. Section 2 of AB 104 requires districts to grant a request from the parent/guardian/education rights hoder of a pupil who was enrolled in high school during the 2020-2021 academic year (or the pupil, if 18 years of age or older) to have a letter grade earned for any course, as reflected on the pupil's transcript, changed to a Pass or No Pass grade. To access the template to request this type of grade change on your child's transcript please use this link: https://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/gs/ps/documents/gradechange20form.pdf.

Before submitting a request for a grade change on your child's transcript, please review the following based on your child's desired pathway after graduation:

California Department of Education: AB 104 Postsecondary Institution Survey Results

Completed forms must be submitted to your high school student's counselor by Friday, August 13th.