Federal and State Categorical Programs

Federal and State Categorical Programs

The Director of Elementary Education guides and supports the mandates under the No Child Left Behind Act, assists school with maintaining compliance with state and federal regulations and facilitates directing resources towards moving all students to high levels of academic achievement.

The following is a description of the 2024-2025 State and Federal programs in which the District participates through the Consolidated Application for Categorical funding:


Title 1, Part A
Helping Disadvantaged Children

Title 1, Part A provides supplemental funds to be used to narrow the educational gap between disadvantaged children and other children in those areas where the highest concentration of children from low-income families attend school.


Title II, Part A
Teacher Quality and Professional Development

Title II focuses on upgrading the expertise of teachers and other school staff to enable them to be “highly qualified” so that they may teach all children in the core academic subjects. Funds support sustained, high quality professional development directed to achieve high performance related to challenging State content standards. Funds under this section may be used to carry out effective approaches to reducing class size with highly qualified teachers to improve educational achievement for both regular and special needs children with particular consideration given to reducing class size in the early elementary grades.


Title III, Part A
Program for English Learner (EL) Students

Title III authorizes funding for supplementary programs and services for EL students. Required activities include the provision of instruction and instructional support services related to English language development and academic progress in the core curriculum in a manner that allows EL students to meet grade level and graduation requirements. Programs also must provide staff development opportunities to school staff assigned to EL student populations. Title III funds may also be used for a variety of instructional support, curricular development, parental involvement, and related EL student program activities.


Economic Impact Aid (EIA)
English Learner (EL)

EIA/EL funding provides services to English Learners (EL) that are designed to ensure that these students develop full proficiency in English as rapidly and effectively as possible, and to ensure that they recoup any academic deficits that may have been incurred in other areas of the core curriculum as a result of language barriers.


For additional information, please contact Dr. Peter Knapik, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services, at 818-729-4482 or by email at peterknapik@burbankusd.org


Last updated 10/2024