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2023-24 CAASPP Resources
District Dates for CAASPP Testing (1st day of testing)
Grades 3-5 - April 8th - 19th
Grades 6-8 - April 2nd - 5th
Grade 11 - March 26th; Alternate Ed - April 9th - 18th
Other Resources
To learn more about the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments or the CAST, go to the Spring Administration Information for Parent/Guardian(s) web page at https://ca.startingsmarter.org/ or California Department of Education Parent Guides to Understanding web page at https://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/ca/parentguidetounderstand.asp
You also can look at sample test questions on the practice tests, which can be found on the CAASPP Web Portal at http://www.caaspp.org/practice-and-training/index.html.
2023-24 Site Testing Coordinators
School name Site Testing Coordinator Email Address Telephone Disney Elementary School Kelly McNutt kellymcnutt@burbankusd.org 1220 West Orange Grove Ave 729-0100 Edison Elementary School Jennifer Flores jenniferflores@burbankusd.org 2110 W Chestnut Street 729-0150 Emerson Elementary School Margarita Tubbs margaritatubbs@burbankusd.org 720 E Cypress Avenue 729-1200 Bret Harte Elementary School Briahna Walker briahnawalker@burbankusd.org 3200 W Jeffries Avenue 729-1250 Jefferson Elementary School Jennifer Griffith jennifergriffith@burbankusd.org 1900 N Sixth Street 729-1600 Mc Kinley Elementary School Danielle Kuester daniellekuester@burbankusd.org 349 W Valencia Avenue 729-2000 Miller Elementary Angela Chang angelachang@burbankusd.org 720 E Providencia Ave 729-2050 Providencia Elementary School Talar Topalian talartopalian@burbankusd.org 1919 N Ontario Street 729-3100 Roosevelt Elementary Terry Williamson terrywilliamson@burbankusd.org 850 N Cordova Street 729-3150 Stevenson Elementary School Yvette Jalian yvettejalian@burbankusd.org 3333 Oak Street 729-5700 Washington Elementary School Debbie Farmer debbiefarmer@burbankusd.org 2322 N Lincoln Street 729-5750 Luther Burbank Middle School Jill Tobin jilltobin@burbankusd.org 3700 West Jeffries Avenue 729-3700 Dolores Huerta Middle School Ani Taschchian anitashchian@burbankusd.org 420 S Mariposa Street 729-3900 John Muir Middle School Wendy Vargas wendyvargas@burbankusd.org 1111 N Kenneth Road 729-3800 Burbank USD Community Day School Frank Fuentes frankfuentes@burbankusd.org 223 E Santa Anita 729-7600 Monterey High School Edwin Taylor edwintaylor@burbankusd.org 1915 Monterey Avenue 729-5900 Magnolia Park High School Edwin Taylor edwintaylor@burbankusd.org 1915 Monterey Avenue 558-4677 Burbank High School Narineh Barzegar narinehbarzegar@burbankusd.org 902 N. Third St. 729-5100 John Burroughs High School Tori Cuseo victoriacuseo@burbankusd.org 1920 W. Clark Avenue 729-6900 Independent Learning Academy Laura Anderson lauraanderson@burbankusd.org 3715 Allan Ave 729-8700