• Service-Learning

    The Burbank Unified School District Service-Learning graduation requirement developed based on the philosophy that education involves not only the development of knowledge, but also the development of conscience, social responsibility and compassion. It is the intention of this Service Learning requirement to prepare students for volunteering in their community through service. At the heart of the program is the belief that young people are resources who can make a difference in the world. Service-Learning helps them take the initial steps toward becoming strong community leaders who will one day make a difference. Service-Learning may help students realize connections between academics and careers.

    Once students begin their service, we think they’ll be pleased to see the impact their commitment and effort has on the lives of others. We hope that helping others will give a sense of accomplishment, confidence, and personal responsibility that will carry into all aspects of their lives.

    To successfully complete these requirements, students must do the following:

    1. Volunteer for 10 hours in an approved community agency
    2. Complete the required forms and adhere to the due dates that will come up during the school year.

    3. Write about their experiences in the reflective essay

    Ten hours of service are required by May 1st of 9th grade. Form A and Form C should be turned in to the Health/Careers teachers in the 9th grade. Students wishing to complete more than the required 10 hours of service learning may do so. In grades 10 and 11, students should turn in service learning forms to the Career Center technician by May 1st each year. Seniors must turn the forms in to the Career Center technician before the end of the first semester. The technician will then record the hours of service completed in the student’s school records. As a reminder, completion of 10 service hours is a graduation requirement.


    Service Learning Packet and Current Resource List 2019-2020- English.pdf

    Service Learning Packet and Current Resource List 2019-2020- Armenian.pdf

    Service Learning Packet and Current Resource List 2019-2020- SPANISH.pdf

    Service Learning Program Guidelines and Rules

    Service Learning Forms:

    Form A:  Parent Permission Form

    Form A:  Parent Permission Form (Spanish)

    Form A:  Parent Permission Form (Armenian)

    Form B:  Registration of Volunteer Site

    Form C:  Evaluation and Record of Service


    Last updated 4/2019