• Burbank USD General Homework Guidelines:

    Purpose Statement: The purpose of the Homework Guidelines is to clarify homework management for the successful engagement of students in grades TK (Transitional Kindergarten) – 12. These guidelines should not be interpreted as a policy or regulation. 

    Homework Task Force:  These guidelines were developed by a task force facilitated by the Burbank Unified School District. The task force was composed of teachers, administrators, community members, and parents working collaboratively.

    Parental involvement in public education is stated in public policy (Ed. C. 51100). It is the expectation that parents and teachers will work together to monitor the academic progress and emotional well-being of students. Parents and teachers are regarded as “mutually supportive and respectful partners in the education of their children within the public schools” (Ed. C. 51101).

    Definition of Homework: Homework is defined as any work planned or approved by the teacher to be completed by the student outside of the regular classroom. It is suggested that homework should not account for more than 10% of the student’s final grade.

    Definition of Project:  A project differs from homework in that it requires more than one evening to complete.  A project may be subjected to different grading guidelines than homework.

    Group Projects: Group projects, with assignments that may be completed outside of school hours, should be planned and organized in ways that do not require students to physically work together outside of school

    Purpose of Homework:  Homework should be skill-level appropriate and related to the ongoing instruction program in the classroom.  Students benefit most when teachers give individual and timely feedback on homework assignments and homework is reviewed in class.

    Student performance may be enhanced by five types of homework:

    1.  Study Skills and Habits:  Homework assignments designed to improve skills such as concentration, discipline, note taking, reading for understanding, managing time for assignments, reading for analysis of information, and reading for pleasure.

    2.  Practice/Review:  Homework assignments designed to reinforce material presented in class and/or develop mastery of skills.

    3.  Preparation:  Homework assignments designed to introduce material that will be helpful in understanding future instruction.

    4.  Skills Integration:  Homework assignments designed specifically to utilize separately learned skills and concepts and apply them in in the completion of a single project; such as a book report, science project, or writing assignment.

    5. Extension:  Homework assignments designed to transfer previously learned skills and concepts to other situations, such as making real world and cross curricular connections.

    Guidelines for Quantity:  Numerous researchers and education agencies recommend the following guide for assigning homework:  ten minutes x the specific grade level. For example, a third grader may be expected to complete 30 minutes of homework on a given night. Likewise, a twelfth grader may be expected to complete 120 minutes of homework on a given night.  However, it is important to recognize that this is not a limit. The actual time required for homework assignments, particularly in high school, may vary with the individual student's study habits, skills, and class load.  In addition, high school students taking honors and Advanced Placement courses may be expected to spend more time on homework due to the nature of the curriculum. It is suggested that students be given a break from homework during winter, spring, and summer vacations.

    To ensure students’ ability to be independent thinkers, assignments that require minimal adult intervention are encouraged.

    Parents are encouraged to first contact their child's teacher if they have questions or concerns about homework expectations and workload. This communication may be critical to solving individual student issues related to homework. Parents are encouraged to actively monitor available student grading and assignment portals.

    Special Education Students and Students on 504 Plans

    Homework will reflect the accommodations and modifications of curriculum that are stated in a student’s IEP or Section 504 plan.  Accommodations delineated in a student’s IEP must, by federal law, be consistently provided to support the student’s access to the curriculum and ability to receive educational benefit from his/her instructional program.

    Last Updated 4/2019