- John Muir MS
- Programs
Character Counts
Character Counts
Six Pillars of Success:
Be honest • Don’t deceive, cheat, or steal • Be reliable — do what you say you’ll do • Have the courage to do the right thing • Build a good reputation • Be loyal — stand by your family, friends, and country
Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule • Be tolerant and accepting of differences • Use good manners, not bad language • Be considerate of the feelings of others • Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone • Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements
Do what you are supposed to do • Plan ahead • Persevere: keep on trying! • Always do your best • Use self-control • Be self-disciplined • Think before you act — consider the consequences • Be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes • Set a good example for others
Play by the rules • Take turns and share • Be open-minded; listen to others • Don’t take advantage of others • Don’t blame others carelessly • Treat all people fairly
Be kind • Be compassionate and show you care • Express gratitude • Forgive others • Help people in need
Do your share to make your school and community better • Cooperate • Get involved in community affairs • Stay informed; vote • Be a good neighbor • Obey laws and rules • Respect authority • Protect the environment • Volunteer
Link to Character Counts website
- Have I thought about the way my choices are likely to help or hurt other people?
- Am I living up to the Six Pillars of Character by being trustworthy, respectful, responsible, fair, caring and a good citizen – even if I have to give up something I want?
- If I cannot find a way to live up to one of the Six Pillar values without sacrificing another, am I making the choice I think will be best for society in the long run?
♦ Reflect on the QUESTIONS TO ASK FOR GOOD DECISION-MAKING while reading the scenario and responding to the questions.
Bob was bullied by a group of boys. The boys were constantly calling Bob mean names. One of the boys pushed Bob so he decided to tell the office. Every one of the boys was punished. The office never told the students who told, but everyone started avoiding Bob. Many students thought he acted like a snitch for telling.
Written by an anonymous student in Mrs. Barnasyan’s Muir Time class
- What would you have done if you were Bob?
- If Bob didn’t tell an adult, how would the situation ever have improved?
- Is verbal bullying any “less bad” than physical bullying?
- Why do some groups of kids decide to pick on one student? What would you do if your group of friends suddenly started picking on a student?
Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH)
Welcome Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students!
Link to Student Info/Events > Deaf Awareness Month
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing students are involved in all aspects of John Muir Middle School.
- DHH students come in all shapes, all sizes and all abilities from Gifted to general ed to Special Ed.
- We have interpreters for students who require this level of service.
- ASL has been offered to all students and we offer permits to students who are proficient in ASL.
- We love our CODA students!!!
- We email DHH parents the daily bulletin to keep them informed.
- We are familiar with interfacing with various phone relay services.
Email Mrs. Sandra Kelley, sandrakelley@burbankusd.org or give her a call at 818/729-3800, ext 22860, to schedule a tour and see our friendly Middle School!
Behavior Expectations - PBIS Program
Schoolwide Behavior Expectations
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Make responsible choices
Use time wisely
Improve yourself
Respect others
John Muir Middle School Office Discipline Referral and PBIS Flow Chart
Teacher, Model, Practice, Reteach
Observe Problem BehaviorMINOR Is the
Interventions← → Office Discipline
OFFICE MANAGED:Administrator
Meets with
StudentParent Contact
specialist Contact· Inappropriate Language/Profanity
· Teasing
· Defiance/Non-compliance (see definition)
· Disrespect (Minor)
· Disruption
· Dress Code Violation
· Lying/Cheating
· Physical contact (non-aggressive)
· Property Misuse
· Tardies #1-3· Abusive Language
· Arson/False Alarm
· Disruptive Disrespect/Defiance (see definition)
· Dress Code Violation
· Harassment/Bullying
· Academic Honesty
· Fighting/Physical Force
· Property Damage
· Technology Violation
· Tardies 4+
· Use or Possesion of:
Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, Weapons, Banned ItemsAdministrator
Intervention PlanParent Contact
Or ODRAdministrator
Documents in
Aeries and
Notifies Parent· Nonverbal Correction · Student Conference · Reset in Another Teacher's Classroom · Gentle Verbal Correction · Acknowledge Positive Behavior · Ignore Behavior · Proximity Correction · Review Expectations · Frequent Eye Contact · Change Seat · Timeout · Praise When On Task · Daily Check-In · Give Choices · Parent Contact
Muir Schoolwide Behavior Expectations Matrix
Make Responsible Choices Use Time Wisely Improve Yourself Respect Others Cafeteria and Eating Areas I will...
throw away my trash
put my belongings in a safe and appropriate placeI will...
make room for others when I am done eating
eat before playingI will...
walk to nutrition and lunch
use appropriate language
keep my electronic devices turned offI will...
Take my place at the end of food lines
Keep my hands to myself and respect the personal space of othersLower Campus and Lower Field I will...
finish my food before going to the lower campus
stay 10 feet from the fenceI will...
use the restroomand drinking fountain before the end of break periods
return equipment to the ball room quickly and politely
leave the lower field as soon as tshe bell ringsI will...
play appropriately in play areas
socialize appropriately in non-play areas
keep my electronic devices turned offI will...
resolve conflicts calmly and maturely
report injuries and emergencies to an adult immediately
follow the direction of all adultsRestrooms and Locker Rooms I will...
keep my hands to myself
use paper products appropriately and with economyI will...
use the closest open restroom to my classroom
exit the restroom when I have finished using itI will...
flush and wash my hands with soap
pick up any paper towels I may have dropped
keep my electronic devices turned offI will...
use the 500 hall boys' restroom when I am in 6th grade only
refrain from horseplay
respect the personal space and privacy of othersHallways and Staircases I will...
use hand rails appropriately
speak at an appropriate levelI will...
be mindful of the bell schedule
use passing periods efficiently to ensure I get to my destination in time
seek permission from an adult before entering unsupervised hallways at nutrition and lunchI will...
use appropriate language
report threats and emergencies to an adult immediately
keep my electronic devices turned offI will...
keep an appropriate distance from others
stay to the right
keep my hands to my selfAuditorium I will...
fill in all empty seats
keep food and drink outsideI will...
enter quietly and be seated when directed
stay seated until dismissedI will...
focus my attention on the presentation or performance
keep my electronic devices turned offI will...
applaud and laugh when appropriate
keep my hands and feet to myself
PBIS - Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (link to District website)
Speak Up
Report BULLYING and CRIME by emailing
or call
to make an anonymous report