• Welcome to Human Resources

    Human Resources is dedicated to recruiting, hiring, and retaining the most highly qualified applicants. Employees of Burbank Unified must recognize the magnitude of the responsibility placed upon them by the community for the education and care of the students of Burbank.

    Certificated applications must hold or be eligible for a California credential. They must demonstrate Subject Matter Competency for the NCLB requirements. Includes all positions requiring a credential, including: Counselors, Teachers (K-12), Special Education Teachers, Children's Center Teachers, Adult School Teachers, CTE (Career Technical Education) Teachers, Speech Language Pathologists and Nurses. Also includes information regarding substitute teaching.

    Classified applicants initially qualify through a testing process. Including all support staff including: Accounting, Clerical, Campus Supervision, Food Service, Building Trades, Instructional Assistants, Custodial, Grounds and Technology. Also includes information regarding substitute work for classified positions.

    Management Position applications are only accepted when there are openings.

    Employee Information:

    Rights of Victims of Domestic, Sexual Assault and Stalking

    Annual Notifications

    Employee Handbook

    Memorandum of Understanding - Covid-19 Pandemic and School Opening: Phase 1

Human Resources Services Staff:

Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School"