• Join PTA Link

    Join the PTAhttps://jointotem.com/ca/burbank/miller-pta


    The Miller PTA (Parent Teacher Association) helps provide Miller Elementary School with programs, funds, and services that enrich and maximize the education of every student.

    Our organization is made up of elected officers, representatives from the staff, the Principal, and any parents or family members who wish to attend. We (typically) meet on the second Thursday of every month during the school year.

    Learn more about the Miller PTA: https://millerelempta.wixsite.com/millerpta/committees

    Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Joaquin.MillerElementaryPTA2014/

    You are also welcome to contact the school at 818-729-2050.

    We hope you will consider joining the PTA - we have a lot of fun helping our Miller students!



    Updated 09/21/2022