Daily Bulletin 2024-2025
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Posted by Barbara Felipe on 9/17/2024NUTRITION: Cinnamon Crumb Square
LUNCH: Chicken Taquitos / Walking Nachos
Try Hard Tuesday: Set goals for yourself; achieving them will increase your motivation. Know your strengths and develop strategies to overcome your weaknesses.
In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, today we recognize Sonia Sotomayor. Sotomayor is the third woman to be appointed to the Supreme Court and the first Hispanic Justice. Sotomayor came from very humble means and did not learn to speak English until the age of nine. She worked hard and graduated from Princeton University, and then earned her doctorate at Yale. She now presides on our country's highest court.
Are you interested in learning about Armenian culture while helping others feel welcome? Join our new Armenian Club, where we assist newcomers to our school and country as they acclimate and explore what it means to be Armenian! It’s a great way to make friends, learn more about Armenian culture, and help build a caring community. We meet on Thursdays at lunch in Mr. Kasumyan's room, 209. Everyone is welcome!
Hey Mustangs, are you practicing the tools you were given last week help reduce climate change? Make sure you are using the share table, recycling cans & bottles, paper & card board, cereal bowls, foil and salad containers. Make sure to stack your used trays in the correct bin. All this effort on your parts helps reduce climate change AND creates healthy soil. More reminders and tips to come 😉
By Month
Muir Monument Club
Japanese artist Masaji Asaga will help students to design and carve a granite boulder from hills above Muir (donated and delivered by City of Burbank Public Works!) to serve as a monument of peace for 1,000 years. Design begins this month.
Japan Day at Muir
Friday, September 20 is Japan Day at Muir - view event details here | website page here
John Muir Middle School has experienced tremendous growth over the past few years. Unfortunately, this means we have reached capacity. After much deliberation, the Burbank Unified School District has determined that we will not be allowing new enrollments under "Family with Family" at any grade level and we are not accepting any "new to the District" 8th grade students here at Muir for the ‘24-'25 school year.
Capping a school is an extremely difficult decision, but sometimes it becomes necessary. We completely understand how disruptive and difficult this is for parents who expected to have their children enroll at Muir. These decisions are based on the capacity of our schools, staffing, and pathways.
The capping of Muir will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. We will return capped students to Muir as soon as there is space. Students who are capped from Muir will be placed on a waiting list based on the date and time of enrollment and that list will be maintained until a student is returned to Muir. We will call families if a space opens up. If you have enrollment questions, please contact Mary Brooks at marybrooks@burbankusd.org or 818 / 729-3800, ext. 22890
All three middle schools in Burbank are great learning environments for students and we know that students will be successful in any BUSD school.
Principal's Message 2024-2025
September 16, 2024
Posted by Connie Nassios on 9/16/2024This Week’s Happenings at Muir
Japan Week
This is Japan Week at Muir with students from our Sister School in Rebun, Japan arriving this week. We will have an assembly with the students from our sister school on Friday. Also, through a grant, we have a stone sculptor from Japan working with some of our students over the next two weeks to create a peace monument on our lower field.
Recycling on Campus
As part of a new state law, our students are now separating their leftover lunch items into food, recyclables, and trash. Please encourage your child to do their part in sorting their lunch items.
Traffic Safety
I want to encourage parents to follow all traffic laws when dropping off and picking up students from Muir. In particular, I would ask that parents do not double park, make U-turns in the middle of the street or drive on the wrong side of the street anywhere near the perimeter of the campus. I would also ask that when you let your child out of the vehicle, have them exit your vehicle at the curb and not while your car is in traffic. Let’s do our part to make Muir a safer place for all of our kids.
Have a great week,
Dr. Miller
By Month
Upcoming Events
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Japan Day
October 9, 2024
8:00 AM - 12:30 PM Minimum School Day
November 11, 2024
November 27, 2024
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Non-Instructional Day / No School
The Burbank Unified School District officially denounces racism as the product of white default/ supremacy culture and recognizes the impact of systemic and generational racism as traumatic to our country, community, and school district. In light of continuing racial violence, including the killings of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Andres Guardado, Dijon Kizzee, and many others, we also recognize that Black people in this country have had a unique and traumatic history in terms of racial relations, equality, and equity. We stand with the truthful and humane statement that all lives cannot matter until Black lives and the lives of indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) matter. We are taking steps to actively work towards being fully anti-racist, not only in word, but also in policy, practice, and accountability. Change is rarely easy, but with the support and cooperation of the entire Burbank school community we know that we will reflect a district that is truly unified.