NAFTrack Accounts - Go to: students.naftrack.org
I will create accounts for new students after the 4th week in the fall, but then you need to register your account.
Register your account! *Use your 9-digit BUSD student number, BUSD email, and your last name as it appears in Aeries. I recommend that you use your same BUSD password so you don't forget it. Now test that you can log in!
Watch this video if you already have a NAFTrack account and need a refresher.
Welcome to the new look for NAFTrack!
Thanks to Nana Bhambi for sharing her screenshots.
NOTE: The actual content on each NAF student page will look a little different depending on academy, grade level, and WBL activities.
NAFTrack Home Screen:
This looks very similar, but keep an eye out for Tasks & Announcements on the top, right of the screen. Also, notice the new section labeled Surveys. You’ll go to that page and take the surveys after you complete Work-Based Learning (WBL) activities like: guest speakers, informational interviews, field trips, mock interviews, workshops, internship/work experience, and more. The surveys are only active for a few weeks after the event, so please be sure to log in and complete the survey right away.
NAFTrack Track Progress Screen:
Notice that your classes no longer display here. Instead, you will see a green check mark by enrollment if you are taking the right NAF classes according to the BUSD pathway. The NEW way to earn NAFTrack Certification is to participate in a variety of WBL activities from each section below: Career Awareness, Career Exploration, and Career Preparation (work experience/internship). The Skills Assessment section is for the results of your work experience/internship supervisor assessment.
NAFTrack Survey Screen:
Click this page to see any available surveys. We need your feedback about our WBL activities in order to constantly improve and provide students with the best possible experience.
Example WBL Reflection Form: